We welcome any fundraising ideas you have - whether it’s crafty, tasty, sporty or something else - a fun-filled fundraising event provides us with much needed means to support the families who need it.
If you’re not sure where to start…
Why not download our A-Z of fundraising ideas guide and see if any take your fancy or spark an idea - no idea is too big or too small!
Our fundraising page on the Just Giving website is another great resource.
Don’t forget to check with your employed if they will ‘match fund’ your fundraising efforts to double the amount you raise!
Want to discuss an idea?
We are happy to work with you and help you in your fundraising efforts, so please feel free to contact us to discuss your ideas
Cake Sale
Hosting a Games Night
Stalls at Fayres and Events
Arranging a special event - like a magic night!