Keepsakes & Memorial Items
At Ripples of Compassion we believe that all bereaved parents should be able to have a keepsake or memorial item for their child.
Removing the cost barrier for memorial items
Keepsakes and memorials can be an important way to remember a child, and build a continuing bond with them. Unfortunately there is often a cost associated with this which can be a barrier to families.
At Ripples of Compassion we believe that all bereaved parents should be able to have a keepsake or memorial item for their child and so provide a variety of these free of charge (or at reduced cost) for bereaved parents.
Choosing & requesting your memorial item
We ask you to share the details of your chosen keepsake with us. This can be anything that is meaningful to you, but some ideas include an urn, jewellery, bench or even a tattoo. You choose the company and the item and we will cover some or all of the cost.
We would ask where possible that you send us a supporting letter from a health, social care or education professional with your request. If you are unable to do this, please contact us to discuss.
We have partnered with Tyler’s Friends Charity who support bereaved parents to enable them to have the funeral and memorial of their wishes for their previous baby or child.
Together with Tyler’s Friends we cover some or all of the cost of the chosen memorial to make it affordable for families regardless of their financial circumstances.
“OMG! I absolutely love this. Thank you so much. It has pride of place by my pond. It’s perfect. Thank you so much. So kind of you.”
— Bereaved Parent