Food Parcel for a Bereaved Family


For £30 you can donate a food parcel to a newly bereaved family of a child that has died.

One parcel gives a family approximately 10 healthy chef made meals that are quick and easy to cook. Taking the stress away from shopping, preparing and cooking meals whilst they are in the early stages of grief.

"They have made all the difference to families not having to worry about having to cook, and having some really lovely quality food rather than relying on junk food and snacks. Many of the families have commented on how much they have appreciated the food, and how they have also appreciated the kind gesture of this being provided for them by Ripples of Compassion." - Family Support Worker Children's Hospice

Bereavement Book Donation
1 meal for a parent in hospital
Relaxation Flashcards Donation
Self Care Box for a bereaved parent
1 month of bereavement therapy